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Women in the Workforce

Today, women have more control over their working lives than they ever have in the history of labor. But for many, the challenges are just as daunting as ever. To keep pace with the rapid changes in the economy, it is essential to learn new skills and adapt to technology. Women in the Workforce explores a wide range of issues that are especially acute with women and work such as childcare, language barriers, learning how to manage one’s career, financial planning, understanding basic workplace rights, training and education, and so much more.

Women in the Workforce is designed for women entering the workforce for the first time, re-entering after an extended absence, as well as women who are seeking to advance their careers. Special focus is given to groups in need of outreach: women who are coming off welfare and/or have low-level skills, mature women returning to the workforce, and female immigrants. The program’s objective is to provide women with a greater understanding of the demands and opportunities in the modern workplace.

The video modules below feature women from different backgrounds and experiences. But they all share common goals for success in the workplace as a path to a better life for themselves and their families.

  • A World of Opportunity

    In the 21st Century, women are an indispensable part of the workforce, from secretaries to CEO's. Traditional "pink collar" jobs have given way to a broad palette of non-traditional career paths as women take advantage of greater professional and economic opportunities. Important themes include:

    • Women in positions of power and responsibility
    • Pursuing your interests
    • Don't limit yourself

  • A World of Opportunity - Open Captioned

    In the 21st Century, women are an indispensable part of the workforce, from secretaries to CEO's. Traditional "pink collar" jobs have given way to a broad palette of non-traditional career paths as women take advantage of greater professional and economic opportunities. Important themes include:

    • Women in positions of power and responsibility
    • Pursuing your interests
    • Don't limit yourself

  • The Changing Workplace

    Computers, combined with the Internet, have revolutionized how work is performed in nearly every career field. Adaptability and a willingness to learn new skills is the key to success in the modern workplace. Important themes include:

    • The importance of computer/Internet literacy
    • The non-traditional workplace - telecommuting
    • Taking advantage of on-the-job training
    • Pursuing educational opportunities

  • The Changing Workplace - Open Captioned

    Computers, combined with the Internet, have revolutionized how work is performed in nearly every career field. Adaptability and a willingness to learn new skills is the key to success in the modern workplace. Important themes include:

    • The importance of computer/Internet literacy
    • The non-traditional workplace - telecommuting
    • Taking advantage of on-the-job training
    • Pursuing educational opportunities

  • Entering the Workforce for the First Time

    That "first job" may be the result of careful planning or the need to meet financial needs. Either way, it is important to view a career path in terms of its potential for long-term stability, economic opportunities, as well as personal satisfaction and growth. Important themes include:

    • Evaluating interests and skills
    • Understanding the job market
    • Matching skills to an appropriate profession
    • Writing a resume
    • Job interviewing techniques

  • Entering the Workforce for the First Time - Open Captioned

    That "first job" may be the result of careful planning or the need to meet financial needs. Either way, it is important to view a career path in terms of its potential for long-term stability, economic opportunities, as well as personal satisfaction and growth. Important themes include:

    • Evaluating interests and skills
    • Understanding the job market
    • Matching skills to an appropriate profession
    • Writing a resume
    • Job interviewing techniques

  • Re-entering the Workforce

    Beyond outward similarities, a visitor from a decade ago would hardly recognize the modern workplace with its PCs and business software, Internet and e-commerce. Even factories and warehouses are driven by new technologies. The changes in the workplace make it necessary to develop a strategy for finding a job that is right for you. Important themes include:

    • Matching interests and skills with an appropriate job or profession
    • Using available resources for career information and counseling
    • Writing a resume
    • Job interviewing techniques
    • Ageism

  • Re-entering the Workforce - Open Captioned

    Beyond outward similarities, a visitor from a decade ago would hardly recognize the modern workplace with its PCs and business software, Internet and e-commerce. Even factories and warehouses are driven by new technologies. The changes in the workplace make it necessary to develop a strategy for finding a job that is right for you. Important themes include:

    • Matching interests and skills with an appropriate job or profession
    • Using available resources for career information and counseling
    • Writing a resume
    • Job interviewing techniques
    • Ageism

  • Lead With Your Strengths

    For many employers, soft skills, such as reliability, positive attitude, and an eagerness to learn is just as important as technical skills, often more so. Do not underestimate the skills we use in our everyday lives. Skills honed as a homemaker and community member can open doors and serve as the foundation of a rewarding career. Important themes include:

    • Evaluating and highlighting "transferable skills"
    • Homemaking skills require the ability to make decisions, handle responsibility and work with others
    • The value of community involvement and volunteer activities

  • Lead With Your Strengths - Open Captioned

    For many employers, soft skills, such as reliability, positive attitude, and an eagerness to learn is just as important as technical skills, often more so. Do not underestimate the skills we use in our everyday lives. Skills honed as a homemaker and community member can open doors and serve as the foundation of a rewarding career. Important themes include:

    • Evaluating and highlighting "transferable skills"
    • Homemaking skills require the ability to make decisions, handle responsibility and work with others
    • The value of community involvement and volunteer activities

  • The Delicate Balance: Real World & Real Life

    No woman is an island. But personal problems must be checked at the office door. Balancing emotional issues with the demands of the business world is a universal challenge. For women new to the workplace, the challenge can be daunting. Important themes include:

    • New demands - dealing with authority figures, working as part of a team, dealing with the demands of customers, vendors and co-workers
    • Child care
    • Handling stress at work and home
    • The challenge for single mothers

  • The Delicate Balance: Real World & Real Life - Open Captioned

    No woman is an island. But personal problems must be checked at the office door. Balancing emotional issues with the demands of the business world is a universal challenge. For women new to the workplace, the challenge can be daunting. Important themes include:

    • New demands - dealing with authority figures, working as part of a team, dealing with the demands of customers, vendors and co-workers
    • Child care
    • Handling stress at work and home
    • The challenge for single mothers

  • Education and Training

    In the modern workplace, career advancement often translates into learning new skills. Most of the women entering or returning to the workforce can move forward only by continuing their education. Important themes include:

    • The importance of computer literacy
    • Continuing education from GED to college and beyond
    • On-the-job training and tuition assistance
    • Non-academic training and certifications

  • Education and Training - Open Captioned

    In the modern workplace, career advancement often translates into learning new skills. Most of the women entering or returning to the workforce can move forward only by continuing their education. Important themes include:

    • The importance of computer literacy
    • Continuing education from GED to college and beyond
    • On-the-job training and tuition assistance
    • Non-academic training and certifications

  • Women Immigrants - Special Challenges

    Americans are proud to be a "nation of immigrants." Yet each immigrant group found the transition from "foreigner" to "citizens" to be a challenging one. In the 21st century, immigrants face a new set of challenges. Important themes include:

    • Adapting to language and cultural differences
    • Developing work skills
    • Continuing education, especially learning English as a second language
    • Taking advantage of resources - government, private, and faith based
    • Worker's rights

  • Women Immigrants - Special Challenges - Open Captioned

    Americans are proud to be a "nation of immigrants." Yet each immigrant group found the transition from "foreigner" to "citizens" to be a challenging one. In the 21st century, immigrants face a new set of challenges. Important themes include:

    • Adapting to language and cultural differences
    • Developing work skills
    • Continuing education, especially learning English as a second language
    • Taking advantage of resources - government, private, and faith based
    • Worker's rights

  • Rights of Women in the Workplace

    In 1911, a fire broke out in the Triangle Shirt factory in New York City killing 146 young female workers. The tragedy launched a wave of reform that helped secure basic human rights for workers. It is a continuing struggle. Important themes include:

    • Basic rights enjoyed by all citizens
    • Workplace rights - minimum wage, sick leave, maternity leave
    • Equal pay for equal work
    • Sexual Harassment
    • Labor unions and the right to redress grievances

  • Rights of Women in the Workplace - Open Captioned

    In 1911, a fire broke out in the Triangle Shirt factory in New York City killing 146 young female workers. The tragedy launched a wave of reform that helped secure basic human rights for workers. It is a continuing struggle. Important themes include:

    • Basic rights enjoyed by all citizens
    • Workplace rights - minimum wage, sick leave, maternity leave
    • Equal pay for equal work
    • Sexual Harassment
    • Labor unions and the right to redress grievances

  • Jobs, Careers and the Big Picture

    The paycheck is important, but there are many other benefits and opportunities in the workplace that can be of great value. Important themes include:

    • Corporate culture
    • Healthcare and other benefits
    • Financial planning and retirement
    • Continuing your education
    • Ongoing career path

  • Jobs, Careers and the Big Picture - Open Captioned

    The paycheck is important, but there are many other benefits and opportunities in the workplace that can be of great value. Important themes include:

    • Corporate culture
    • Healthcare and other benefits
    • Financial planning and retirement
    • Continuing your education
    • Ongoing career path

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